Let’s Do This!

I can’t wait to share my voice with you! Starting a blog always been a dream of mine and I thank you for being the tribe to make that happen!

My friend asked me.. “What’s your blog even going to be about"?” Well sis let me tell ya.. If you don’t think my life is entertaining enough as a sexual health educator, research and development is one of my favorite… Scratch that… IS my favorite part of my job!

Now let’s not get this confused, ok!? My website and blog are 100% a vision and product of my opinion and experience. When I have information you will have the sources, but this is a journey! Life is an adventure, and sex is a part of it. So many people are misinformed or don’t have the resources to give them positive, informative information. That’s why having a public platform to express my message is so important to me. In my experience I’ve noticed that a lot of people express interest in a healthy lifestyle. But what does that look like for you?

Think of “Sex in the City” from the view of a small-town girl. I’m no Carrie Bradshaw but I know what love is Jenny. No, I’m not just talking about love with a significant-other, I mean, self-love and care, baby! Afterall, confidence is so sexy, am I right? I want to help give you that! I offer a safe space to communicate and to ask your questions. I give you permission to be curious. I have learned so much through furthering my education, listening to podcasts, and listening to people’s experience!


Good Vibes For Everyone!