The Ins & Outs of Lubricants

Repeat after me: SPIT IS NOT LUBE! Now say it 5x real loud so your partner comes in and says “Say Whatttt!?”

Lubricants are not a one kind fits all acts type thing. Cream, Water-based or Silicone each lubricant is designed to take your sex life to its highest potential!

So many times, I hear, “I don’t need lubricant.” “That’s not for me.” “I get wet enough.” Fabulous! I love to hear that for you, but our specific lubricants are backed by science! There as so many factors that factor into our PH that most women overlook, such as, medications, menopause, and diet. Pure Romance’s lubricants are designed to match your natural body chemistry to make intercourse and sex play more comfortable.

The article below will give you all the information you need to know to stay comfortable and to most importantly have fun!

The Ins & Outs of Lubricants - Pure Romance


The Clitoral Complex